Made in Spain

Spain is well known for its high-quality shoe manufacturing (think Manolo BlahnikCampers, and Espadrille), so it probably will come as no surprise to you that these beautiful and comfortable shoes have a history that dates back centuries.

Similar to the way an ‘UGG Boot’ refers to a type of shoe made from sheepskin and wool; an “avarca” (Catalan pronunciation: [əˈvarkə], plural avarcas) is a type of sandal produced in Menorca, Spain The shoes are made using a leather upper and a rubber sole.

The avarca name has fought off-patent attempts and been protected by the Island Government of Menorca (Consell Insular); and the Shoemaker Association of Menorca (Associació de fabricants del Calçat de Menorca).

Together they developed a standard for the Avarca sandal, which requires any shoe named an “Avarca” to meet. This is called the ‘Avarca De Menorca’ guarantee and the accompanying logo, a certified "denominacion de origen" certifies the authenticity of the product. This has protected the Avarca name; the Menorcan shoe manufacturing industry; and the quality of the shoe as we know it today.

While several brands are promoting this shoe, it’s important to look for the certification to ensure you are getting a quality product and supporting a small island shoe manufacturing industry that dates back centuries.


Our Makers

Our avarcas are manufactured in Ciutadella, Menorca by a small family-run business established in 1926. They have been hand-crafting traditional shoes since they first opened their doors, specialising in Avarcas for men, women and children.

Since its inception, the Juaneda Marqués family has been concerned both with the quality of its products and with the comfort and comfort that its customers could offer the shoes that, generation after generation, they have been carefully making.

Avarcas have a rich and colourful history in Spain and I’m thrilled we can embrace the authentic traditional shoe here in Australia.

“What we value most about living in Menorca is tranquillity and calm, not having to run from one side to the other (we can cross the island in an hour) to be able to trust people, enjoy nature, beaches, good weather... It is our little paradise and we wouldn't trade it for anything.”  - Juaneda Family


Ode to Avarcas

Thanks to the Artisans of Menorca who have written this Ode

Together we have walked the luminous fields of the island

and tread upon the placid beaches with seaweed and waves.

We have tasted the salt left on the rocks by the northern winds

and climbed steep rocky hills.

We have swum in the stifling heat of August nights

and danced with the wind on southern beaches.

We have been merry amongst the thistles and the bramble bush

this sky now full of autumn grey carries us to the clouded chill.

We have sown with memories the summer tracks

and set free solitary haikus around the wood.

Franciscan, modest, leather and car tyre

with you I have witnessed the ancestral places

Where Menorca’s heart beats

and I have felt in me,

full of joy and pride,

that my homeland was born.

With you I have been so happy,

that now I owe you a poem of love,

my dear Arvaca sandals.