Bloody hell, I knew I was pretty good at this small business caper but I’m gobsmacked that I actually won an award for it! On the 30th August, I wasproudly crowned the winner in the ‘Emerging’ category in the AusMumpreneur Awards. It’s been just over a week and I’m still on cloud 9. So much so, I decided to craft this little piece to tell you all about it amigos. Slip those Avarcas on, get comfy and grab a cuppa while you’re at it because this one’s worth reading.
I was happily going about my business (admiring pretty Avarcas) when I heard the familiar *ping* of my email inbox. With a sigh, I put the sparkly shoes down and walked over to the laptop. Expecting to see yet another junky email, I was pleasantly surprised to see the email in question was from the lovely ladies at AusMumpreneur. Better still, the email contained a notification that I’d been nominated for a bonafide award! Cue squeals of delight vS frantically checking the email was in fact, meant for me.
After thorough investigation, I concluded some gorg human had nominated me. Like officially. So I did what any lady in my position would do, I wrote a kickass application to dazzle the judges in the hope I’d be promoted to finalist.
And I ended up making it in 2 categories...
People’s Choice Customer Service Award
Let’s be’s a popularity contest and I had to launch into a ‘pick me!’ campaign. Now, I use this term loosely because I wasn’t sure how to ‘campaign’ so to speak. Basically, I emailed you all, posted on socials a million times, begged, pleaded and glitter bombed the world with my story. In an appropriate, non-spammy way of course.
It went a little somethin’ somethin’ like this:
Ladies, I need a favour. I've been nominated for the AusMumpreneur Awards for Best Customer Service which is *so* exciting! Now, I don't know about you but for me, this is a big f*ckiung deal!
I launched Avarcas Australia as a side hustle and it quickly turned into a full-time gig which just about blew my damn socks off. Not that I wear socks that often because socks and Avarcas? Eeeewwwww!
The passion I feel for my biz is well, crazy. As a result? I totally do a little happy dance every time I get a notification that one of you gorgeous ladies has purchased a pair of my shoes.
Not because of the financial gain [ok, additional shopping money is nice], because I know a lucky lady is about to change her life...well, maybe that’s a little drastic but Avarcas remain the ONLY pair of shoes I’ve worn that are both comfortable AND pretty aka #LifeChanging Obviously my customers feel the same way as many of them are return customers...which brings me to my next point.
This awards business is all new ground for me. I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t know how to win. All I know is that someone wants to put my name up in lights and say how bloody awesome I am. I mean, not much to dislike about that caper is there? So, I’m asking you, my #AvarcasGirl if you could spare a little minute to help me win this award that will [no pressure!] literally change my life? All you need to do is follow the link in my bio above and VOTE. If I make it as a finalist, I’ll host a 24hour flash sale to say thank you to my gorgeous tribe so you won’t go home empty-handed.
Much love, Nae
PS. Choose Category 3 “Customer Service” and then find my name at number 080 “Naomi Rohr, Avarcas Australia”.
PPS. Don’t you like how I’m just casually draped on this gorgeous wall
PPPS. leaning on the hand I broke a couple of days before
Uncharted Finalist Territory
BOOM SHAKALAKA! It seemed all of that campaigning/begging/glitter bombing paid off because I made it to the finals. To celebrate, I hosted an all-mighty flash sale. Those of you who are loyal #AvarcasGirls would know that I rarely discount my glorious shoes. This was my way of thanking each and every person who took the time to vote for me.
Now while I didn’t win this category on the night, I received so much love and support from the amazing Avarcas Girl Tribe and I’m so thankful to each and every person that had my back!
Emerging Mumpreneur Category
Finding I’d also been chosen as a top 10 finalist in the Emerging category was pretty damn special. The Emergeing category recognises exceptional business owners who have been in business less than 2 years so it was a BIG bloody deal!
#BeastMode Activated
For those of you who don’t know my story, I have two gorgeous boys. Caden, 14 and Eli, 13. Caden was born prematurely at 29 weeks and as a result, was diagnosed with severe Cerebral Palsy and affects his ability to do things for himself. He relies on full-time care, nutritional supplementation through a feeding tube and wheelchair mobility. Eli, was born at 25 weeks gestation also has ongoing needs.
On the 6th August, Caden underwent a long and traumatic surgery to try and correct a very painful dislocated right hip. The prep emotionally and physically for this surgery was huge for my whole family. Unfortunately, the surgery didn’t go as planned and had to be abandoned. Instead, soft tissue was released to help with his pain.
Ant (Mr Avarcas) and I went into complete beast mode to care for Caden in intensive care and Eli at home. We tag teamed to ensure both boys were feeling the love. The recovery, 3 weeks in plaster, was tough AF.
The Pitch
During this time, I was *meant* to be preparing for the Emerging AusMumpreneur Finalist Pitch. Basically, it was my chance to woo the judging panel and convince them I was a worthy winner in 3 minutes or less. As any mum would know, if one of your kids needs you, you’re there. Rain, hail, awards season or shine.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to mentally prepare for it. Instead, I walked in there with my head held high with a killer opening statement at the ready. Silently, I was hoping my passion and enthusiasm would get me over the line.
Walking out of the pitch, I felt a little deflated but I was there for my little dude and knew in my heart that’s what mattered most.
The Big Night
Prepping for the big night was easy. I gave my glorious custom navy gown, ala 50’s starlet by Couture by Francesca another whirl and paired it with Silver Glitter Avarcas. Before you get too excited, I’m 6’2 so there is no need for heels here, glittery flats were a no brainer.
The awards night was absolutely massive, with over 500 people in attendance. It was out of control to be surrounded with so many passionate women in business. The energy in the room was contagious and I made so many new BFF’s that night.
My Crowning Moment
My category had some really stiff compeition so once 3rd and 2nd place were announced, I figured I was out of the running. I certainly didn’t think I’d win after my sleep deprived babble aka ‘Pitch’.
So when my name was called out, I genuinely thought they’d effed something up! Cue awkward shuffle to the podium and crazy last minute speech. I even asked everyone to follow me on Instagram because I was 72 followers away from reaching 10k.
You’ll be happy to know, we’ve now reached 10.1k followers and Ant is busy building a glass case for my trophy. Which proves that a) I might be ok at this campaigning caper and b) I work pretty well under copious amounts of stress / minimal (none at all) sleep.
Yours in awards, Avarcas and ramblings
Nae x
Aka AusMumpreneur WINNER!
PS. I was awarded a supersized $500 cheque which I quite enjoyed holding! Along with a 12-month membership to the Mother's Business Collective Network, an enrolment in the Women's Business School Ignite Program valued at $5000 AND a fab goodie bag. Not too shabby at all huh?
PPS. Cheque presentation by Peace Mitchell, AusMumpreneur (L) and Laura 2017 AusMumprenar Winner Laura Furiosi, Rashoodz (R).
PPS. Cheque presentation and group photograph taken by Alexandra Anderson from Jam on Your Collar.